Providing Osteopathic Care for the whole family...

Health Articles

Head-neck alignment plays a pivotal role in the overall development of postural alignment, starting from infancy and continuing into adulthood.
Postural alignment is a critical aspect of physical health, particularly in bilateral sports such as swimming, running, and cycling. These sports require the body to perform symmetrical movements, relying heavily on balance and coordination. Good postural alignment can significantly influence athletic performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and expedite recovery post-exercise.
Friday 19th October 2018
The working environment can have serious effect on the human frame with the tendency for sitting at computer stations for hours on end, often without sufficient breaks.
Tuesday 19th November 2019
Studies suggest that one in 3 people over the age of 65 will have a fall. And having had a fall there is a 50% chance of another fall within 6 months. The increase in falls has been seen to lead to brain damage from hitting the head and 95% of hip fractures in older people are as a result of falls which increases the risk of dying within one year
Old man standing with stick
Tuesday 16th February 2016
A series of exercise routines you can do to help reduce any lower back pain (occasionally referred to as low back pain), including tension, stiffness and soreness. These exercises from physiotherapist and BackCare expert Nick Sinfield help to stretch, strengthen and mobilise the lower back.
Often times, I see a patient who has had a myriad of lower limb pains and they have found their way to seeing a podiatrist. The approach is generally to prescribe orthotics (foot devices) to help to stabilise the foot. However, once I have seen them and mobilised various joints in the foot and in particular the joints of the mid-foot, this helps to improve foot function. So is the prescribing of orthotics a good thing?
Time off from work due to back pain is an increasing burden upon British businesses.
Facts about Backs
A perhaps unexpected effect of the current recession is the number of retired people who are consulting osteopaths after sustaining injuries whilst caring for their grandchildren, as their own children are forced to spend longer at work.
Grandparents in Pain
Monday 18th March 2019
Researchers say the results indicate that even modest weight loss may significantly lighten the load on your joints. The accumulated reduction in knee load for a 1-pound loss in weight would be more than 4,800 pounds per mile walked," writes researcher Stephen P. Messier, PhD, of Wake Forest University in the July issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism. "For people losing 10 pounds, each knee would be subjected to 48,000 pounds less in compressive load per mile walked.
isa-finalist 2019 Jerry Gill
I'm often asked by patients about what exercises they can do to help themselves. Click here for advice on taking exercise and to follow a link to view exercise routines that may be of help.
Exercises for a Healthy Spine
I've checked my ski equipment, flights, passport but what about my body? Is it up to the strains of the annual pilgrimmage to the ski slopes? In this article I look at some fundemental postural issues that can impact on how well we ski. - Reposted from last year.
Preparation for the Annual Ski Trip
With increasing pressure on employers to ensure a safe working environment for employees, the starting point might be to have a workplace assement to identify risk and to provide advice on how to avoid or minimise time off work due to back pain, postural or other musculo-skeletal related problems.
Workplace Assessment
Autumn upon us - tips to prevent gardening becoming a back breaking chore
Back Care tips to prevent gardening becoming a back breaking chore
As a follow-on to the article in The Times recently by Laura Donnelly, I take this opportunity to add a few thoughts of my own on the subject:
Children developing Gameboy back.
For the Back Care Awareness week this year (17-23 October), the British Osteopathic Association called for parents and teachers to consider the health implications of small bodies carrying heavy school bags.
A good working posture is one that requires the least amount of static muscle work with least muscular effort. The more varied the posture the better. The correct sitting position is the critical first step in minimising the risk of back pain.
Good Sitting Posture
Even the best in car seat design and optimal ergonomics cannot guarantee correct seating posture. That is down to you. Here we show you what you can do to achieve an ergonomically correct seating psture for you.
Many people suffer from headaches, face pain and jaw clicking. Sometimes this is because of problems with the jaw joint. Jaw joint problems affect about 40 percent of people at some time in their life.
Pain is the body's cry for help. If you are doing something that is making the pain worse, you should stop. It make sense not to continue doing something that may aggravate the situation
Managing Pain
The British Osteopathic Association warns of the unexpected health risks of the festive season.
The guidelines recommend exercise, manual therapy or acupuncture as first line treatments for those with back pain that has lasted more than six weeks. There is then a more comprehensive package of psychological and physical treatments for those who have not recovered after receiving these treatments.
The importance of the relationship between cranial osteopathy and dentistry cannot be overstated. Conditions affecting the mouth and teeth have a very direct effect on the rest of the body.
It has been revealed that more than one million people in Britain may be suffering from constant, crippling headaches because they are taking too many painkillers, experts say. The pills people take to relieve headaches and migraines may be making things much worse, according to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in guidance to the health service for England and Wales.
Headaches Look at the alternatives before you pop another pill
Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones — reducing their mass and making them weaker, prone to fracture. Healthy bones are those with a high bone mass or density. These fractures commonly affect the hip, wrist and spine.
Drivers who fail to wear seatbelts correctly are at risk of injury according to the British Osteopathic Association (BOA). While most people are fully aware that wearing a seatbelt saves lives, the majority are not aware that the way they sit in a car plays a huge part in their personal safety.
Saturday 13th April 2019
Osteopathy was founded by Dr Andrew T Still, a veteran from the American Civil war in 1876